Daniël Wayenberg (86) and young talent Martin Oei (20) will be performing the 2nd piano concerto of Chopin and the 2nd of Rachmaninov in Villa El Nido, Jávea.
22, 23 & 24 April is going to be special for classical music lovers in the Costa Blanca. Wayenberg & Oei, will perform in Villa El Nido on one stage, quatre-mains and solo, and together on 2 grand pianos playing the two major Piano Concertos (2nd Chopin and Rachmaninov 2nd) in one concert.
Martin Oei (20) started playing the piano at a young age from his tenth first time at the Young Musicians Academy Fontys Conservatory and from 2013 studying at the conservatory. At age 18, Martin had already recorded three CDs and (reconstructed by musicologist Cees Nieuwenhuizen) a world premiere at the “Beethoven Festival” in Bonn with the first performance of Beethoven’s FantasiaSonata. Won several awards (among others Pr. Christina Concours).
Wayenberg and Oei have been working together for several years and enjoy playing quatre mains, also in the presence of the Dutch Queen Maxima. Dutch master pianist Wayenberg and Martin Oei did a successful Costa Blanca concert tour in December 2014 performing in Dénia, Alicante, Jávea and Benidorm, after which the organizer Momentos de Música was overwhelmed with positive reactions. Wayenberg and Oei agreed to come back in April for a serie of intimate concerts exclusively at Villa El Nido in Jávea. The venue facilitates up to 50 guests indoors, however with good weather there is room for 75 guests in the garden. The shielded patio area near the pool provides a spacious setting to meet one another, including of course the talent.
The house and garden concerts in ”Villa El Nido” provide a stage for high-quality classical music and international musicians. The concert are characterized by a cozy and relaxed atmosphere where guest have a chance to meet & greet with the musicians and mingle as during intermission and after the concert. The concert feel like a day out; being served welcome drinks and a freshly prepared 5-course menu and open bar, everything is included in the concert ticket price. There seem to be quite some people enjoying the concept as Momentos de Música organized 10 concerts in Villa El Nido in 2015, most sold out.
Don’t miss out on this special day and visit for more info and ticket ordering. For questions call +34 634 979 620 or email
Momentos de Música – contact: Peter Neeteson
Calle de Mila 15 – 17
03738 Xàbia / Jávea
+34 634 979 620
Enjoying classical music with Momentos de Música
Two Russian top-musicians are playing the 12th and 13th of March at the Matinee House Concerts at “Villa El Nido” in Jávea with pianist Vsevolod Dvorkin from Milan and cellist Olga Kotchenkova from Berlin / Valencia (member of the renowned orchestra La Palau de la Reine Sofia / Opera Orchestra Valencia).
Momentos de Música is an initiative that started 1,5 years ago by Peter Neeteson, bringing together international music lovers in the house and garden of “Villa El Nido” in Jávea to enjoy good music together, complemented with fine wines and good food. The intimate setting of the villa creates a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere where all nationalities are brought together with each other and can socialize with the musicians. Inside is space for up to 50 guests, for garden concert this goes up to around 80 guests. Momentos de Música organizes its concerts always with a meet
& greet with the musicians, while enjoying all-included food freshly prepared and served by the waiters, so no standing in line for a buffet. Did we mention the open bar?
Various renowned musicians have given concerts last year in the villa and on stage in the garden: last Spring a duo playing piano & cello (Dutchman Adrian van Dongen, attached to Conservatory Valencia together with Carlos Apellaniz), then an ensemble of seven musicians (violinists, cellist, bassist, harpist, clarinetist, flutist) from the renowned orchestra La Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia / Opera Orchestra of Valencia. In September 2015 a unique format where seven professional musicians from our region all took the stage for fifteen minutes each: piano-flute (Calpe) duet piano (Benidorm), guitar (Jávea), piano / organ-violin (Denia), piano / organ – mezzo soprano (Javea), piano / organ solo (Jávea).
Hosting a very beautiful concert by Trio Sefardo Espagnol (guitar, violin, mezzo-soprano), it’s typical Sephardic music which was very well received.
For more info see:
If you are interested in experiencing this special ambiance to enjoy classical music, go to the website and subscribe with your email address, you will receive newsletters with announcements of upcoming concerts by Momentos de Música.
Tickets are now available online for the matinee concerts on the 12th and 13th of March.
Welcome drinks from 14:00, the concert starts at 14:30.
Hindemith Solo Sonate Nr. 3, 1st part, Cello solo
Bach Prelude & Fugue Suite C minor, Cello solo;
Beethoven Sonata A dur, Cello & Piano
Schumann Novel Letta Fis Moll, piano solo
Träumerei Schumann, Cello & Piano;
Brahms Sonata F Dur, Cello & Piano
Два известных русских музыканта играют 12 и 13 марта в зале Matinee House
Концерты на вилле El Nido в городе Хавеа: выступает пианист Всеволод Дворкин из Милана и виолончелистка Ольга Котченкова из Берлина/Валенсии (член известного оркестра Дворца искусств имени королевы Софии/Оперы Валенсии).
Momentos de Música – это проект, начало которому было положено 1,5 года назад Петером Неетесоном для того, чтобы собрать вместе ценителей музыки из разных стран на вилле El Nido с садом в Хавее, чтобы в приятной компании наслаждаться хорошей музыкой в сопровождении изысканных вин и превосходных блюд. В уютном интерьере виллы, где царит расслабленная и приятная атмосфера, представители всех национальностей могут пообщаться друг с другом и с музыкантами. В зале виллы могут разместиться до 50 гостей, а в саду — до 80.
Momentos de Música всегда организует концерты с приемом, в ходе которого публика может пообщаться с музыкантами, и где свежеприготовленные блюда, входящие в стоимость билета, подаются официантами, так что гостям нет необходимости стоять в очереди в буфет. А о бесплатном баре мы упомянули?
В прошлом году многие известные музыканты дали концерты на вилле и на сцене в саду: прошлой весной здесь играл дуэт фортепиано и виолончели (голландец Адриан ван Донген, прикрепленный к Консерватории Валенсии вместе с Карлосом Апелланисом), затем — ансамбль из семи музыкантов (скрипки, виолончель, бас, арфа, кларнет, флейта) из знаменитого оркестра дворца искусств имени королевы Софии/Оперы Валенсии. В сентябре 2015 года состоялся концерт в уникальном формате, где семь профессиональных музыкантов из нашего региона выступали каждый в течение 15 минут: фортепиано-флейта (Кальп), фортепианный дуэт (Бенидорм), гитара (Хавеа), фортепиано/орган-скрипка (Дения), фортепиано/орган меццо-сопрано (Хавеа), фортепиано/органное соло (Хавеа).
Трио Sefardo Espagnol (гитара, скрипка, меццо-сопрано) также дало здесь великолепный концерт традиционной сефардской музыки, который был прекрасно принят аудиторией.
Для получения более подробной информации посетите сайт:
Если вы желаете приобщиться к классической музыке в этой особой атмосфере, посетите сайт , оставьте свой адрес электронной почты и подпишитесь на новостные бюллетени с объявлениями о предстоящих концертах Momentos de Música.
Билеты на дневные концерты 12 и 13 марта можно приобрести онлайн уже сейчас.
Приветственные напитки подаются с 14:00, концерт начинается в 14:30.
Хиндемит, сольная соната №3, 1-я часть, для виолончели соло; Бах, прелюдия и фуга сюиты до-минор для виолончели соло;
Бетховен, соната ля-мажор для виолончели и фортепиано
Шуман, новелетта фа-диез минор для фортепиано соло; Шуман, фантазия для виолончели и фортепиано; Брамс, соната фа-мажор для виолончели и фортепиано
The Arteunita Ensemble, usually performing at the famous Opera House of Valencia, the Palau de les Arts Reine Sofia, visited Jávea for two Momentos de Música concerts. Two beautiful days with 160 people that came out to enjoy these 8 top-level musicians, filling the garden with romantic classical chamber music. Surrounded by truly beautiful acoustics we enjoyed various combinations of viola, violin, cello, bass, clarinet, flute and harp.
Of course the ensemble played The Swan by Saint-Saën on the cello and harp. The ambiance was something special, everything went quiet and still, with the exception of a bird or two that seem to hum along with the music coming from the garden. Sharing these types of moments with our many international guests accompanied by cava, wines and good food is what forms the base of Momentos de Música, a unique atmosphere that is becoming a phenomena here in the Costa Blanca.
Take a look at the video made with a drone flying over the garden during the concert:
During the event we had live recordings and interviews held with Peter and the musicians for the radio, you can enjoy the concerts and interviews here: “Momentos de Musica; classical music speaks any language!” Newspapers The Costa Blanca Nachrichten, De Week and Hallo featured articles on the concerts.
Momentos de Música is working on the preparations for two upcoming garden concert on Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 September. A selection of 7 professional musicians will play in duo’s in a sort of mini-concert-parade format (don’t worry, will be explained in the next newsletter). This will include exciting combinations with Spanish guitar, transverse flute, violin, soprano, piano and organ.
End of October or beginning November we will organise two more garden concerts. From December to April we will move from the garden to indoors, for the more intimate house concerts seating up to 40 guests in Villa El Nido, like we did last year with the Dutch pianists Wayenberg & Oei. I am hoping to bring these two top-pianists back to Jávea in the summer of 2016 but this time for a garden concert.
More about the upcoming events will be communicated shortly via our newsletter. Sign-up on
Thanks for the ongoing enthusiasm and see you soon!
Musical regards,
Peter Neeteson – Momentos de Música