Evelien Prakke studied with Dmitri Ferschtman in Amsterdam, and was a guest student in Bloomington together with Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi. During her studies she was a member of the EUYO and played violin conducted by Carlo Maria Giulini. Now Evelien works as a guest solo cellist with the Orquesta de la Ciudad de Granada. Evelien is also a deputy solo cellist with The Holland Symfonia and works freelance at Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and at the Dutch Chamber Orchestra. Her love for chamber music brought her into contact with musicians with whom she performed at festivals in Sicily, Italy, Switzerland, England, France and Japan. This summer, Evelien plays in different chamber music ensembles at the Klankkleur Festival, Peter the Great Festival, Grachten Festival Amsterdam (with the Alma Trio) and the Stift Festival.